Table of Contents
Author’s Preface Acknowledgements Before Lafayette Arrived Here A Brief Biography of Lafayette; From Creek and Georgian Territory to Statehood–The Three States in Georgia; The Federal Road; Tying the Stories Together, 1825 + Today Let’s Go! But Wait…Before You Go! Visiting the Revolutionary War Zone Day 1. The Landing in Savannah–The Welcome Parade Day 2. Church and Chat Day 3. The Big Day, Laying Cornerstones, then Leaving Day 4. On the River Day 5. Welcome to Augusta! Day 6. Visiting Hamburg, SC, the Masons, a Ball Visiting the Fourth State Day 7. Warrenton Day 8. Sparta Day 9. Arriving in the Capital, Worship and Rest Day 10. Celebrations in the Masonic Hall, State House and Capitol Day 11. On the Federal Road to Macon, then to the Old Indian Agency In the Creek Nation Day 12. Leaves the Old Indian Agency to Spain’s Inn and Calfrey’s Stand Day 13. Reaches the Chattahoochee River After Lafayette Left Georgia Research Notes Selected Sources Recommendations for the Future Tourism Information Index About the Author |
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